What is Scale and how to play and write ?
in Indian music scale, any note may be taken as Sa and rest of the scale can be formulated accordingly, but in the western scale the notes name and chords are fixed.
We write middle scale notes in this blog page . You can make lower and higher scale notes yourself by consulting western finger board chart because western Notes are fixed and in Indian Notes We pretend any notes to Sa and can make whole scale accordingly.
Here indian notes under staff notation have being only translated in western Notes .
Western finger board
12 musical notes
C C# D D# E F F# G G# A A# B C2
Formula~ every individual musical notes cout is 1/2 ex. C=1/2,C#=1/2 and all notes will be like this .
if u count two notes together such as ex. C+C# = 1/2+1/2=1count and counted note name will C# because when we count two notes like C+C# then we will keep C#as 1 count , where we are completing , we keep or write only last note
Ex. C 1/2+ C# 1/2= C# 1 count
In this formula we are using above counting system .
1/2 -1- 1- 1/2 - 1- 1- 1- 1/2
12 Major scales
1/2 1 1. 1/2. 1. 1. 1. 1/2
C D E F G A B C2
C# D# F F# G# A# C. C#2
D E F# G A. B C#2 D2
D# F G G# A# C2 D2 D#2
E. F G# A B C#2 D# 2 E2
F G. A. A# C 2 D 2 E. 2 F2
F# G# A# B C#2 D# 2 F 2 F#2
G A. B C.2 D 2 E 2 F#2. G2
G#. A#. C 2 C#2. D# 2 F 2 G 2 G#2
A B. C#2 D.2 E 2 F# 2 G#2 A2
A#. C2 D 2 D#2 F2 G2 A 2 A#2
B C#2 D#2 E2 F#2 G#2 A#2 B2
C2 D2 E2 F2 G2 A2 B2. C2
Please practice on keyboard / harmonium with notes and on paper also then you can understand better .
๐Please click the below ๐ ๐น๐ผ๐น YouTube links for scales .