Sunday 10 November 2019

SDG goals song lyrics , sdgs anthem lyrics by sunil agrahari

SDGs Anthem by sunil agrahari 

SDG goals song lyrics 

sdg goals 17 sdg goals
targets 169 For ,17 goals
“leaving no one behind”
i do believe
that we will achieve sdg goals
No Poverty, Zero Hunger, X2
we will remove from the world
hooo i do believe i do believe
that we will achieve sdg goals
Good Health and, Well-being X2
Quality Education, Gender Equality
hooo i do believe i do believe
that we will transform our world
Clean Water and Sanitation X2
Affordable and Clean Energy
hooo i do believe i do believe
that we will transform our world
Decent Work, Economic Growth x 2
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Sustainable Cities and Communities
Reduced Inequality one day

Responsible Consumption and Production
Life Below Water, Climate Action
Life on Land, i do believe
that we will achieve sdg goals
Peace and Justice Strong Institutions,
Partnerships to achieve the Goal
hooo i do believe i do believe
that we will achieve sdg goals

Composed by
Sunil Agrahari
Coordinator Activity Department 
Music teacher and poet
Ahlcon International School 

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